Friday, February 02, 2007


Today was my big day at the Chiropractor. I had my follow up appointment at the doctor yesterday. She insisted that I go to a chiropractor. I have a little bit of pain in the lower left side of my back. I didn't think that it was a big deal but she says that I will pay for it 10 years from now. SO, it was a good thing that I went. She took an X-Ray of my back. Holy! If I didn't see it for myself, I wouldn't have believed her! The second vertebrae from the bottom, is off to the left. I was so freaked!!! It felt weird to see my bones in the first place (they were pretty sexy I might add) but to see one off to the side was too much! Anywho, a couple of cracks later, and I was on my merry way. I'm scheduled for 3 visits a week for a month. I have to go on a regular basis because I can't let the scar tissue heal where my spine is out of place. So with regular cracks and stretches, it should heal nicely.


Cari said...

cool...were you nervous when she cracked you for the first time?!?

Kat said...

VERY! I started laughing! We were both laughing by the end of it. It felt like I was play fighting with her! LOL Each time she cracked my back I let out a groan like I just got punched! LMAO She's like, "We're gonna get to know each other very well over the course of he month lol"...

Anonymous said...

Reading that post put the song sexy back in my head! a whole new meaning to the song:)
So glad you caught the problem now while it's early enough to correct

Cari said...

i want a daily update. even if it's just stating what you had for lunch. or breakfast. whatever works for you. k? great. thanks.