Thursday, December 13, 2007

5 Memes

As promised from my last post, I would be more consistent with my blog and post pics from the party this past weekend. Well due to extenuating circumstances, I was unable to attend. I experienced my very first migrane on Saturday. I've been getting little headaches but this one was like no other that I have ever experienced. I am feeling much better now though! Yippee!

Someone sent me the meme below. For those who aren't familiar with memes here's a link to find out more about them...

People get tagged, and usually participate...

5 things on my to-do list for today...
1. Pick up the work mail which I have now begun to fear
2. Joke around with someone and laugh for real because I know that I haven’t in awhile
3. Update my blog, start a new blog because taking care of 1 just isn’t enough ;) I actually did! lol
4. Go to Target to pick up Christmas cards
5. Read more than two chapters of my book before falling asleep tonight

5 things I would do if I had 5 million dollars...
1. Phone my parents and tell them to retire
2. Volunteer in a study on primates or wolves in the wild
3. Design and build a modest cottage (probably 1 floor), with a GIGANTIC POOL and slide...plant a big garden too.
4. Have a rescue/rehabilitation sanctuary for animals. Volunteer only.
5. Invest

5 things that I'll never wear again...
1. Zebra pants like Brutus the Barber Beefcake. Did this in elementary when I was really into WWF wrestling
2. Neon/fluorescent clothes
3. Pants with safety pins in them
4. Cowboy boots...and I never have. I’m sticking to my guns.
5. I can only think of 3 ‘cos I’ve always been a pretty snappy dresser

5 things I'm glad that I never got into...
1. Drugs
2. Uggs
3. Scrapbooking
4. Food for comfort/crutch
5. Crocs

5 things that I miss...
1. Vegas
2. Being challenged by intelligent people, having insightful conversations
3. Saturday morning cartoons (when I was little)
4. Diversity
5. Mom

I'm adding another category...(I realize that I'm breaking the 5 rule of this one)

5 things that I am looking forward to in the near future...
1. The holidays-particularly my Christmas stocking
2. Being with my family and dancing around with Momsies
3. Seeing Minou and Belle again
4. Waking up before my brother on Christmas morning as I always have. I beat him every year.

If you read this...tag you're it!
As most of my readers do not have blogs, you can send it to me in an email as usual!
'Til next time!


Anonymous said...

Very cute.
I hate to tell you but i threw out your XMAS Stocking!


Kat said...