Sunday, December 16, 2007

Icy Weather

We woke up this morning to lots of ice and high winds. The ice weighed down the power lines, and we lost power for part of the early hours on Sunday.
It warmed up again and large pieces fell from the trees. So we decided to stay inside for the majority of the day. What better way to spend the day than at the salon?
Andrea, Sam and I headed to Andrea's work to be pampered.
Andrea did our hair and I got a nice chair massage. Andrea was a trooper considering it was her Christmas party the night before, where she had one too many drinks!
The rest of our weekend was pretty relaxing. We played a lot of Wii Sports, and watched some movies. In all, it was a great weekend. I'm glad because this week will be very busy at work and then I'm off to Montreal!Yiiippeeee!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

5 Memes

As promised from my last post, I would be more consistent with my blog and post pics from the party this past weekend. Well due to extenuating circumstances, I was unable to attend. I experienced my very first migrane on Saturday. I've been getting little headaches but this one was like no other that I have ever experienced. I am feeling much better now though! Yippee!

Someone sent me the meme below. For those who aren't familiar with memes here's a link to find out more about them...

People get tagged, and usually participate...

5 things on my to-do list for today...
1. Pick up the work mail which I have now begun to fear
2. Joke around with someone and laugh for real because I know that I haven’t in awhile
3. Update my blog, start a new blog because taking care of 1 just isn’t enough ;) I actually did! lol
4. Go to Target to pick up Christmas cards
5. Read more than two chapters of my book before falling asleep tonight

5 things I would do if I had 5 million dollars...
1. Phone my parents and tell them to retire
2. Volunteer in a study on primates or wolves in the wild
3. Design and build a modest cottage (probably 1 floor), with a GIGANTIC POOL and slide...plant a big garden too.
4. Have a rescue/rehabilitation sanctuary for animals. Volunteer only.
5. Invest

5 things that I'll never wear again...
1. Zebra pants like Brutus the Barber Beefcake. Did this in elementary when I was really into WWF wrestling
2. Neon/fluorescent clothes
3. Pants with safety pins in them
4. Cowboy boots...and I never have. I’m sticking to my guns.
5. I can only think of 3 ‘cos I’ve always been a pretty snappy dresser

5 things I'm glad that I never got into...
1. Drugs
2. Uggs
3. Scrapbooking
4. Food for comfort/crutch
5. Crocs

5 things that I miss...
1. Vegas
2. Being challenged by intelligent people, having insightful conversations
3. Saturday morning cartoons (when I was little)
4. Diversity
5. Mom

I'm adding another category...(I realize that I'm breaking the 5 rule of this one)

5 things that I am looking forward to in the near future...
1. The holidays-particularly my Christmas stocking
2. Being with my family and dancing around with Momsies
3. Seeing Minou and Belle again
4. Waking up before my brother on Christmas morning as I always have. I beat him every year.

If you read this...tag you're it!
As most of my readers do not have blogs, you can send it to me in an email as usual!
'Til next time!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Let It Snow!

Well my friends it finally happened! It got cold enough to snow! It was enough snow to grind most people to a halt! Even us! We woke up yesterday morning, only to find 4-5 inches of snow. That's it you say? Can't say that I thought so either but it's a lot when winter tires don't exist around here.

We attempted to go to work but only got about 10 miles in an hour. There were cars flipped over and others had smashed right into each other. We saw approximately 10 accidents in the short distance that we travelled. Anyone remember when I got hit last year and was in intensive treatment? Well I did. We decided we weren't as cool as all the dumb dumbs who risked their lives to go to work, and turned around to enjoy the guilt free (for the most part) snow day.

I answered all of my emails from my 3 work email accounts (this takes up a lot of my time at work), and was free to make snow angels for most of the day! Yiiippeeee!

I managed to capture some pics of the pretty snow, and laughed at how little snow it really was. I won't mention the ton of snow that Mtl. just got! It doesn't even compare!!! Everyone still makes it into work, then spends all day bragging about it! Canadians are true winter warriors. Well, at least they are better winter drivers.
I had a great time in the snow, I really missed it! I'm sure it will be gone very soon because the snow doesn't stay around for very long here, so it's a treat!

I've included some pics of the puppy that Andrea and MB will be getting. No the Mommy Lab is not Ellie Mae. They will be getting a black female lab a short time after Christmas.

If you're wondering about the last pic of the green Scion, it belongs to Steve's wife. Steve drove it to work this week, and the boys put out a VIP parking sign in front of it. He got made fun of pretty bad for driving it.

This weekend we are planning to go to a Christmas party at Steve & Sally's, so I'm looking forward to posting some more pics of our time there. I'm going to be more consistent with my blog, I promise!