Thursday, November 16, 2006

I Hate Bambi

Does this animal look cute to you? Beware of this animal my friends. It carries a nasty little bug called the tick. There are many species of tick out there. If your dog gets bitten by one of these babies, he could get lyme disease and die. So guess what? I found not one but two on Vegas. My already huge fear of bugs has been reinforced by this experience. Vegas got his shot before we left Mtl. A guy at work told us his dog had his shots but still got it, and is about to be put down. Lovely isn't it. I've been worrying myself sick about it, and have been watching Vegas like a hawk to see if he displays any symptoms. Unfortunately by the time you notice the symptoms its sometimes too late. The guy at work was there when we took it off of Vegas, he said it was not a deer tick. He assured me it wasn't anything ot worry about. Anyway, I gave him a bath this evening and applied tick repellent.
What's going on here?!?
No joke seeing a deer here is like seeing a squirrel in Montreal. They're everywhere. I was at a stop light and there were three deer just grazing by a tree just twenty feet away from me. This was at a busy intersection!


Cari said...

I didn't think deer ticks were that common....that is a little scary! but regular ticks are really nothing to worry about...Jesse has had one several times. That's crazy that deer are everywhere!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't aware that deer were into orgies! I'll never look at Bambi the same way again!

Cari said...

I miss you:(

Kristi Drennan said...

Katie, this is Cari's friend Kristi. I feel as though I need to see some updates on your blog. Because say things like poop a lot and it cracks me up. Ha ha ha! :)