Sunday, July 16, 2006

Charming Lad

Is he not the most gorgeous cat ever?!?!
Min is feeling a lot better. For those who haven't heard, he has been losing some weight and hasn't pooped in awhile. He was quite the evil kitty at the vet. They needed a blood sample, and he wasn't going to give any blood without a fight. His vein collapsed, and he was screaming and growling. All they needed was a tsp.! They tried to do it again on the other leg, and he TOTALLY FLIPPED. I have NEVER heard him scream like that! He was actually snorting! The vet tech. had to get these huge gloves (the kind you catch birds with), so that Min wouldn't claw her arms off! They couldn't get me out of there fast enough. I felt so bad. He really is sweet, to me at least! Anyway, his test results were fine but if he doesn't poop more often, he has to get an X-Ray. We'll see by the end of the week. He was fine once he got home, and was up to his old tricks...He brought home a mouse that very night...


Cari said...

Poor Kitty...that sounds awful! And poor vet tech...that sounds scary!!!

Anonymous said...

Post more pictures!!!!

Kat said...

Dear Random,
If you don't stop, I will reveal your true identity! No worries more pics. to come...