Ho Ho Ho Woof Woof!What do tons of dogs, lots of food and Santa Paws equal? Mayhem! Annick and I went to see Santa today...She brought Dolce too. Needless to say Santa's finger will never look the same again! Dolce wasn't too cheerful with this jolly fellow, and poor Santa had to go have a quick ciggy after posing with us! Vegas was none too impressed by the experience either... It was for a good cause, they had plenty of treats, and it got them nice and tired! Yipee, mission accomplished.
Me and the babe
Annick and her babe
Annick looking great! Nice bag!
Love what you did with the blog. Ok so officially I miss you. Come home! vegas looks so funny in this picture by the way. I will send you Dolce's pic soon
Thank you for the refreshing link! I can't wait for X-mas this year, I heard Satan is pretty hot!
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