Hello everyone! We had wonderful weather this weekend. Well, Saturday at least. Friday was 24 and Saturday was 22! I had to change into a T-Shirt...We went to Springfield to get Vegas his food. It's the only place we know of to get it. No, we didn't see Homer and Marge while we were there. It's a nice town. The homes remind me of the bungalows in the West Island. The leaves are still on the trees, so it made for a nice drive.
We also moved more of our things but we will have to wait until MB gets back to move the big stuff, like the washer/dryer, and the couch. The kitchen has been pretty much put together. I can't believe how much kitchen stuff we have! I remember moving into our condo and wondering if we would ever fill all the cupboard space!
Today is pretty crummy, the rain and the wind hasn't let up at all.
So I decided to explore the local shops. I went to a cool store called Home Goods, which is pretty much like Winners Home Sense. I went to Pet Smart to pick up a new toy for Vegas (which I think he has already destroyed). There is also a Target/Super Target near our place, which is kind of like a higher end Wal-Mart. You can do your groceries there too.
Our neighbours have a 4 month old doberman. He's pretty big for his age. He runs around like a wild horse when it rains just like Vegas! I think they're related. Vegas is much cuter and sweeter though ;)
Here are a few things I like about Virginia so far,
- It's not Quebec (Marc)
- Our place. Esp. our fireplace. Vegas and I curled up together there this evening. He passed out right away! It was nice and cozy. He's being very good by the way. He's peeing on everything in the neighbouhood. Gainesville belongs to him now.
- My own private poop room (seperate from the bathroom)with a view.
- The old plantation homes with way too much land. They're beautiful. They don't do anything with the property anymore. It's just acres of freshly trimmed grass! I also like the new colonial style homes.
- People respect the rules of the road, and are actually courteous!
- The men are better looking. Melissa, you need to come here a.s.a.p. They're the "All American" good looks type of guy, and there are as many hot guys, as there are American flags.
I will post some pics of the town and surrounding area once, we're settled in. I'm off to bed, back to work in the morning! Hope everyone has a good week!
allo! so glad to hear that you are doing well! great post! oh and i updated my blog, so check it out and leave me alone! hehe ;)
hey, glad to see that you have a list of things you like. i was worried that you were going to get home sick. i am starting to think that i am more katie sick than you are montreal sick.
luv ya
Hi Katie,mylove.....
Lovely pictures and interesting comments.....like the idea of courteous drivers...sounds like Pleasantville to me..whoohoo!
Like the private headquarters with a view idea also...ahahaha.....
You are a gifted writer....hope you write a book one day....
All-American boys hein! I guess I'll have to come visit sooner than later!
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